孩子们都喜欢喝礼宾拿水(Roselle Drink),煲了放进冰箱里, 酸酸甜甜的,天气炎热时更是一家大小的最爱。
每天出门上学, 上班前都会看见洛神花花朵在太阳升起后漂亮的张开来在和我们道”早安."
长得差不多了, 可以收割来煲些礼宾拿水(Roselle Drink)啦!
材料 Materials:
1公斤 洛神花,1.5公升 水, 冰糖 适量.
1KG of roselle ,1.5L of water, cane sugar.
做法 Method:
1. 采摘了下来, 清洗干净。 把里面的种子分开。
Wash and clean the roselle, separate and take out the seed.
2. 水滚开后加入洛神花, 再转小火煮10至15分钟, 过簺。再加入适量的冰糖。
Boil the water and put in roselle, turn the power to low or middle for 10 to 15 minute, filter and add cane sugar according to your favorite.
Boil the water and put in roselle, turn the power to low or middle for 10 to 15 minute, filter and add cane sugar according to your favorite.
放入冰箱冷冻后, 就有好喝又有营养的 Roselle Drink。
Keep in refridgeration for an hour the taste will more better.
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