2014年12月11日 星期四

Honey Grilled Chicken 蜜汁烧鸡腿


幸福就是 ~ 刘若英

幸福就是該結束 的時候不再強求
幸福就是 去包容 卻從不會遺忘自我

Honey Grilled Chicken 蜜汁烧鸡腿

材料 Ingredients:

鸡腿  2只
2 Chicken whole leg
蜂蜜  1汤匙
Honey 1Tbsp
马铃薯  1个
1 Potato
红萝卜 1小条
1 Carot
椰菜花 & 菇 少许
Some broccoli & mushroom

醃汁用料 To marinate:
酱油 1/2汤匙
1/2 Tbsp Soy sauce
黑酱油 1/2茶匙
1/2 Tsp Dark soy sauce
米酒 1/2汤匙
1/2 Tbsp Rice wine
蜜糖 1汤匙
1 Tbsp Honey
白胡椒粉 1/4茶匙
1/4 Tsp Pepper
蒜末 1茶匙
1Tsp Garlic (chopped)

做法 Method:
1. 鸡腿洗干净后,用厨房纸巾擦干水份,在鸡腿上刮几刀,以帮助入味。
1. Wash the chicken whole legs and dry them up, poke a few holes on on them to help the absorption of marinates.
Honey Grilled Chicken 蜜汁烧鸡腿
2. 将醃汁混合,加入鸡腿拌匀后,放入冰箱冷藏1个小时。
2. Marinate the chicken whole legs for at least 1 hour in fridge.
3. 把鸡腿放在烤架上,下面放一个烤盘,让汁滴下来。
3. Put the chicken whole legs on a grill pan with a tray below to collect the juice.
4. 马铃薯切片,红萝卜切片,椰菜花切片,和菇放入容器,加入少许橄榄油和盐调味。
4. Cut the carot into thin stripes, potatoes into cubes and broccoli into pieces, with mushroom put in a baking tray, mixed with salt and olive oil.
Honey Grilled Chicken 蜜汁烧鸡腿
5. 把鸡腿和马铃薯配料一起放入预热200°C的烤箱,烤大概30分钟。
5. Put both the trays into oven and bake at preheated oven at 200°C for 30 minutes.
6. 取出,鸡腿刷上蜜糖,再继续烤5分钟。
6. Take out the chicken whole legs and brush with the honey, continue to bake for 5 minutes.
7. 取出,翻另外一面刷上蜜糖,再继续烤5分钟。
7. Take out the chicken whole legs and turn to another side brush with the honey, continue to bake for another 5 minutes.
Honey Grilled Chicken 蜜汁烧鸡腿


学校放假了, 依玛密也懒惰了一阵子~ 追看了几套的韩剧, 不看还好, 一开始看了就不舍得睡, 每每都要追看到大半夜。 结果哪, 家里多了个唠叨的依八八! 嘻嘻!



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