可是依玛密想试试新食谱, 所以晚上就弄了这花形奶香红豆牛油面包让依哥哥带两份去学校, 其他的就是我们第二天的早餐啦!
A)面团 Dough
高筋面粉 200克
200g High protein flour
普通面粉 50克
50g Plain flour
砂糖 45克
45g Caster sugar
奶粉 10克
10g milk powder
45g Caster sugar
奶粉 10克
10g milk powder
盐 4克
4g salt
4g salt
即溶酵母 4克
4g Instant yeast
4g Instant yeast
水 125g
125g water
125g water
鸡蛋 1粒
1 egg
1 egg
牛油 30g
30g Butter
馅料和饰面 Filling and Topping
红豆馅 225g
225g Red bean paste
杏仁片 25g
25g Almond flake
30g Butter
馅料和饰面 Filling and Topping
红豆馅 225g
225g Red bean paste
杏仁片 25g
25g Almond flake
做法 Method:
1. 将材料A混合拌匀, 加入材料B, 搅拌成团。 加入材料C搅拌至光滑及有弹性面团。
1. Mix Indredients A until well combined. Add Ingredients B and mix into dough. Add Ingredients C and mix until the dough shinny and elastic.
2. 将面团置于温和处, 盖好休面大约50分钟或双倍大。
2. Cover the dough and let it rise in a warm place for 50 minutes or until double in size.
2. Cover the dough and let it rise in a warm place for 50 minutes or until double in size.
3. 将面团分割成7份,每份大约73g并揉成一个小球,再让面团休面5分钟。
3. Divide the dough into 7 portions of 73g each. Roll into balls and rest for 5 minutes.
4. 工作台上撒少许高筋面粉, 把面团轻微压扁, 再逐一包入红豆馅。
4. Slightly flatten the balls and wrap in adequate red bean filling and seal.
5. 杆平, 卷起, 切成五节, 底部仍然链接, 然后卷成花形。
5. Use a rolling pin to roll the dough flat and the roll it up. Cut 4 deep slits on the roll.
Twist the dough to form flower shape.
6. 排放在已涂油的烤盘上, 做最后的发酵50分钟或双倍大。
6. Arrange in a greased baking tray. Let it rise for another 50 minutes or until double in size.
3. Divide the dough into 7 portions of 73g each. Roll into balls and rest for 5 minutes.
4. 工作台上撒少许高筋面粉, 把面团轻微压扁, 再逐一包入红豆馅。
4. Slightly flatten the balls and wrap in adequate red bean filling and seal.
5. Use a rolling pin to roll the dough flat and the roll it up. Cut 4 deep slits on the roll.
Twist the dough to form flower shape.
6. Arrange in a greased baking tray. Let it rise for another 50 minutes or until double in size.
7. 涂抹上蛋液再沾上少许杏仁片,放入预热190°的烤炉, 烤10分钟或表面金黄色即可。
7. Egg wash and sprinkle with almond flakes. Bake in a preheated oven at 190° for 10 minutes or until light golden brown.
这花形奶香红豆牛油面包好松软, 应该是这次的面团打的比上次的香兰排包面团更有弹性, 这一点很重要!开心, 有进步了, 也拿捏了些技巧!
7. Egg wash and sprinkle with almond flakes. Bake in a preheated oven at 190° for 10 minutes or until light golden brown.
Recipe from In Love with bread